Onset Computer Corporation
User’s Guide
Temperature Accuracy and Resolution
The maximum reading error for the internal temperature sensors is shown below. This is a worst case error. In a typical logger,
temperature errors will be substantially lower. NIST certification of temperature accuracy for some sensors is available from Onset.
The temperature resolution for internal sensors is also shown below. Resolution is the smallest difference between adjacent temperature
steps that the logger can report.
The logger will typically experience little or no accuracy drift unless the electronic components or temperature sensor are damaged
mechanically or by exposure to environmental factors beyond the specifications, such as high heat and humidity.
Plot A: Internal Temperature Sensor Accuracy and Resolution
Internal Relative Humidity Accuracy
Temperature compensated.
Do not expose the internal RH sensor to fog, mist, or other condensing conditions.
The logger’s relative humidity accuracy for the internal model is shown in the plot below.
Plot B: Internal RH Sensor Accuracy