Offering a series of optimized servomotors, high-resolution
serial encoders and new, intelligent algorithms, Sigma-5
is just the right servo drive to achieve precise and fast
positioning with smooth and vibration-free motion at even
the slowest speeds.
In combination with Trajexia motion controllers, Sigma-5
becomes the perfect choice for virtually any industrial
application demanding precise control with positional
accuracies up to 10nm. The Trajexia platform offers 4, 16 and
30-axes motion coordination over a robust and fast motion
link and with a multi-tasking controller that is capable
of running 14 tasks simultaneously.
The complete servo/motion
control package
The intuitive and user-friendly software tool accompanying
Sigma-5 minimizes commissioning time obtaining the best
from the servo for your machine. Furthermore, Trajexia’s
advanced debugging tools ensure efficient operation and
minimum downtime.
Sigma-5: the star in…
Space saving
Motor portfolio
Motion network
Sigma-5 + Trajexia motion
controllers The perfect choice