Personal Daq User’s Manual
Personal DaqView 4-23
Configure Meter Settings, Function Descriptions
Note 1:
Bar Graph Meter with
indicator rising in the high limit.
Meter tip is red to indicate “value is
above high limit.”
Note 2:
Analog Meter with
indicator rising in the high limit.
Pivot point of dial arm is red to
indicate “value is above high limit.”
Note 3:
Digital Meter with rising
value in the high limit. The digital
readout is red (and has a red line
above it) to indicate “value is
above high limit.”
Each of the meters (shown in the
figure) shows a trend indicator
pointing in the increase direction.
The Bar Graph and Analog Meters
also show low and high peak hold
indicators (at the 0 and 100
Three Meters with High and Low Limits Set
Be aware that the acquisition of data-to-disk has a higher priority then the updating of Charts, Meters, and
the Reading column. Therefore, data is displayed as soon as the acquisition task is satisfied. As the scan
rate is increased, the acquisition-to-disk task will take up more processor (CPU) time and the displaying of
data will be updated as time allows. If you select a linear conversion (using the scale & offset feature) you
should expect a further impact on real time display performance.
Scale & offset
conversion is discussed
on page 4-7.
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