7-2 Troubleshooting & Customer Assistance
Personal Daq User’s Manual
Certain problems can be solved without factory assistance. Before calling your service representative you
should go through the following checklist, as well as the symptoms and solutions. When applicable, be
sure to follow ESD prevention guidelines to avoid damaging components.
Basic Checklist
. Check USB cable and connections. Check hub connections and power adapters, when
applicable. If using a laptop computer, ensure the laptop’s battery is sufficiently charged.
. Check signal lines and connections. Connectors must be free of corrosion. Signal lines
should be undamaged and free of sharp bends and twists. Signal paths should avoid potential
sources of noise (high voltage and electromagnetic interference).
. Try to acquire data with Personal DaqView. If you are unable to acquire data in both
Personal DaqView and another program, a hardware problem is likely.
Setup Parameters
. Make sure the device selected in software matches the hardware being used.
Verify that setup parameters are correct for your application.
Symptoms and Solutions
1. Personal DaqView will not install properly.
Check and see if your computer is using Windows NT, Windows 95, or a version of Windows 98 that
precedes 98SE (second edition). These operating systems lack the USB support that is necessary to run
Personal Daq.
Windows 98SE, Me, 2000, and XP each provide proper support. However, if your computer is using
Windows 2000 or XP, make sure that you have installed the latest version of Personal DaqView. To
check on the version you are running, open Personal DaqView’s Help pull-down menu and select
"About Personal DaqView..."
If you need to update your version of Personal DaqView, first uninstall your existing version. This can
be done using the
Add/Remove Programs
utility in the Windows Control Panel. Install the new version
of Personal DaqView after the older version has been removed. The executable file for Personal
DaqView can be obtained from a recent data acquisition CD or from our web site.
Personal DaqView seems to run fine, but the data does not make sense.
Check the blue title bar at the top of the Personal DaqView screen. If you see the word “Simulated” in
parentheses, it means that the Personal Daq is running in a simulated mode and is generating artificial
To leave the simulated mode:
Active Devices
from the
pull-down menu.
Uncheck the Simulated Device.
Check the real Personal Daq device. Note that the real devices, which are listed as active
devices, include a serial number as part of their identification.
If the data is awkward when coming from a real device, have the device calibrated according to the
instructions in chapter 6 of the user’s manual. A PDF version of the document is included on the data
acquisition CD. If the calibration fails, see page 7-5 in regard to customer assistance.
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