Setting Up Your Meter
Now that you have connected your USB cable to your PC and to your meter, you
can now complete the following steps to configure your meter before placing the
unit into operation. You will be using the configuration software utility that you
installed onto your PC. If you have not installed the configuration software
utility you should do so now.
STEP 1. Launch Setup Utility Program.
To launch the setup utility program on your PC begin by finding and clicking on
the DTG program Icon that was placed on your computer desk top when you
installed the software.
Figure 4-8. Launch Setup Utility Screen
STEP 2. Connecting & Communicating with your meter
Figure 4-9. Utility Program - Welcome Screen
After starting the setup utility program this will be the first screen you will see.
Click the “Next >” button to proceed and continue setting up your meter. Each
screen will provide instruction details on how to proceed.
Setup & Configuration
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