© 2022 OJ Electronics A/S
EN50559 1/2
This thermostat complies with EN 50559 (VDE 0705-559) for electrical floor heating .
The regulation applies to electrical floor heating, with a maximum floor weight of 4
kN/m² . To ensure that hotspots due to unintentionally covering up the surface are
avoided, the heating function can be time-limited as per EN/DIN .
Note that this function is not applicable to other heating applications such as wall
and/or ceiling heating
If it can be foreseen in advance that unintentional covering up of a floor might occur,
then it is important to assess the correct period of time for which the floor heating
must be time-limited .
The heating can be limited using a set number between 0 - 20 minutes per hour .
If obstacles could be present that cover up the floor, then the heating might need to
be limited by some number of minutes so as to avoid hotspots in the floor .
If you want the thermostat to heat a maximum of 90 % of the time, then the
thermostat should be limited by 10 % .
Ten percent of one hour is 6 minutes .
Enter 6 min . in the EN50559 menu in order to lower the heating by 10 % .