OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
“Cond. Time”
- the time period to condition the sample
“Cond. RPM”
- the rotational speed during conditioning
- the number of sweeps to perform after conditioning.
A sweep is a set of rotational speeds separated by time interval.
Between sweeps, the rotor returns to the Cond. RPM. At the end
of each sweep, the unit calculates the Analysis Model values.
“Delta Time”
- the time interval between sweeps
“Gel Time 1”
- During a gel time interval, the rotor comes to a
complete stop and waits. At the end of the interval, the rotational
speed is increased to 3 RPM until the gel breaks and a gel
strength value is recorded. Click the “Insert Gel Column” button to
add a gel time to the record.
“RPM 1, 2, 3”
- The RPM fields set the speed of each step of the
5. Click the “OK” button to save the test and return to the main screen.
“Hold for Temp”
- Click this checkbox to tell the unit to wait until the sample
has reached the temperature setpoint before proceeding to the next step. If
this box is unchecked, the test will proceed while the sample is heating.
“Temp Threshold”
- This field specifies an acceptable variance on the
temperature. For example, if the temperature setpoint is 150° and the “Temp
Threshold” is set to 5°, the unit will consider the setpoint reached when the
temperature is between 145° and 155°.
“Temp Unit”
- set temperature units to either °F or °C
“Rate Unit”
- set the rate units to either RPM or 1/s
“Pressure Unit”
- set the pressure units to either PSI or kPa
- If this box is checked, each sweep will be performed forward
and backwards.
“Stir Parameters”
- These parameters only apply if the test includes a gel
“Stir Prior to Gel”
- Check this box to stir the sample before calculating gel