OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
“S.S. Reference”
- the shear stress as calculated by the software
“S.S. Raw”
- the actual signal coming from the unit
- rotational speed
“Viscosity Reference”
- the viscosity of the sample as calculated by the
- the temperature of the sample
“S.S. Best Fit”
- shear stress value for a perfect calibration
“Viscosity Best Fit”
- viscosity value for a perfect calibration
“S.S. Fit Error”
- deviation of actual shear stress from “S.S. Best Fit”
- This is a measure of the accuracy of the calibration. It will be
calculated at the end of the calibration cycle. If this value does not read
greater than 0.9990 after multiple calibration tests, the unit will require
- The r^2 value only provides useful information when a calibration
is performed on a linear scale. For non-linear scales, the r^2C shows the
corrected r^2 value and will provide a better measure of the accuracy of the
calibration. For linear scales, the r^2 and r^2C values will be the same.
- the temperature of the sample
“Shear Rate”
- rotational speed (1/s)
- rotational speed (RPM)
“Shear Stress Raw”
- the actual signal coming from the unit
“Ref Viscosity”
- the viscosity of the sample as calculated by the software
“Ref Shear Stress”
- the shear stress as calculated by the software