130000761_002_A0 - 08/2008 - © Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum
When the connector cable is attached, the outputs at the frequency con-
verter are not free of voltage.
Before you start searching for the source of the problem, you should carry
out a few simple checks:
Are the connections in good working order?
Mains connection,
24 V DC cable to the frequency converter,
Connector cable between the frequency converter and the pump
Is the forevacuum pressure sufficient?
After having removed the cause for the error reset the error message at the
In case of errors with error codes 1 to 7 by applying a STOP signal via the
socket REMOTE (X1) or the serial interface or by switching the mains
power off.
In case of error code 8 by switching the mains power off.
The error codes can only be read if a serial interface is present.
The following table has been provided as a guide when determining the
causes of errors.