OEG Pressure storage units DE / DZ
OEG pressure storage unit in powder-coated steel sheet housing with oil sump incl. leak
detector, heating oil filter and pipe rupture protection, wall plugs and screws for wall
mounting, transport bracket for floor mounting as well as operating instructions. Before
delivering the product, OEG storage units are tested 100%. There may still be some test
oil left.
Pressure storage units are used in applications where 2-pipe systems are converted to
1-pipe systems or when several burners are supplied at different locations, where a
suction unit cannot be applied. DE... – DZ ... pressure storage units supply burners in
The place, where the pressure storage unit is to be installed, should be close to the tank.
The distance between tank base and the highest point of the pipe must not exceed 3.5 m
vertically and 10 m horizontally on the suction side of the unit. Please observe the tank
Make sure that a maximum vacuum of 0.4 bar on the suction side of the unit is not excee-
ded to avoid excessive gas/air emissions. The maximum height between the unit and the
individual burners must not exceed 20 m, otherwise the pipe rupture protection will not
work faultlessly. The maximum pipe length should not exceed 200 m.
The units of the DE ... / DZ ... ranges are designed for both wall and floor mounting. Before
the unit is mounted to the wall, check the load bearing capacity of the masonry.
The place of installation must be dry and readily accessible for maintenance.
We recommend the following pipe diameters:
The pipe diameter on the suction side must not be reduced; if necessary, the next higher
nominal size can reduce the pipe resistance reasonably. On the pressure side, the pipe
diameter can be reduced according to the quantity required by the burner and is to be
selected such that a recommended flow speed from 1.0 to 1.5 m/s is achieved. If, due to
local circumstances, the pressure pipe cannot be reduced, it may be necessary to install
an additional oil-resistant diaphragm expansion vessel in the pipe.
Please make sure that all pressurised pipes are accessible or designed double-walled with
a monitoring device to prevent water hazard due to leakages.
Scope of delivery
Application range
Place of installation
Pipes and connections
Type of unit
Recommended pipe diameter
DE600 / DZ600
10 – 12 mm
DE1200 / DZ1200
12 – 15 mm
DE6000 / DZ6000
22 – 28 mm
DE12000 / DZ12000
28 – 32 mm