outboard engined boats
The Outboard Installation Kits can be fitted to mechanical push-pull cable steered
vessels that are powered by MOST of the popular Yamaha (MDRESYS-C) and
Mercury/Mariner/Suzuki (MDRESYS-D) models of outboard engine. It is recom-
mended for use on vessels with a maximum speed of 44mph and should NOT be fit-
ted to vessels where the maximum horsepower of the engine exceeds the maximum
horsepower rating for the vessel as stated on the vessel manufacturer’s tag.
The installation kit allows the second steering cable for the Type R drive to be fitted
to the outboard steering system.
B2a Engine Compatibility
The MDRESYS-C kit is suitable for use on Yamaha 115-220 HP produced from
1984 onwards. The Yamaha engine has M6 (metric system) threaded fittings.
The MDRESYS-D kit is suitable for use on Mercury Black Max outboards from 1980
onwards, Mariner outboards from 1980 onwards, Mercury/Mariner 2.4 (all models)
and Suzuki DT75 – DT225 and DF60 – DF140. These engines have
in-28 UNF
threaded fittings.
B2b Supplied Parts
Type R Remote Rotary Autopilot Drive Unit
OC15SUK15A Yamaha Outboard Installation Kit (MDRESYS-C)
OC15SUK15B Mercury-Mariner-Suzuki Outboard Installation Kit (MDRESYS-D)
6ft (1.8m) Secondary Steering Cable*
* Other lengths are available as optional accessories
B2c Installation
• Prepare the engine mounting site
i) Use the helm to centre the engine.
ii) Ensure that the area in front of the
tilt tube is clear of obstructing wires,
hoses etc. Reroute if necessary.
iii) There are four threaded holes on
the front face of the tilt tube (Fig B4),
ensure that these are free from paint
etc - retap if necessary:
M6 metric
in-28 UNF
8 of 44
Subject to change without notice
OC15269 REV F
Fig B4 - Threaded mounting holes on front face
of tilt tube
mounting holes
Tilt tube