What should my heart rate be?
To understand exercise intensity you must first determine your theoretical
maximum heart rate (TMHR) by subtracting your age from 220. The lower
limit of your heart rate training zone is 55% of your TMHR; the upper limit
is 90% of TMHR. You should always exercise within these numbers.
Example for a 40-year-old exerciser:
220 – 40 = 180 TMHR in beats per minutes (BPM)
180 x .55 = 99 BPM lower limit
180 x .90 = 162 BPM higher limit
This shows that a 40-year-old exerciser’s heart rate should be between 99
and 162 beats per minute during a workout. The chart below can be used
as a reference.
If your exercise goal is to burn fat and lose weight, you should exercise
in the range of 60% to 70% of your TMHR. You should also exercise for a
longer period of time, at least 30 minutes. This will maximize the calories
being burned from fat stores. If your goal is to improve your cardiovascular
level, then you should train at a higher intensity, in the 75% to 90%
TMHR range. While exercising in this higher intensity range, you will be
conditioning your heart and lungs to maximize your overall cardiovascular