OMC-042 / 043 / 044 Data loggers
’ manual
page 61
HTTP Output
This is for posting data to an HTTP server, see details below. The HTTP output is of interest when you
are hosting your own monitoring web or cloud server. When using OMC-Data-Online we recommend to
use TCP output, as TCP-output has far less overhead with less data payload (costs) and less transfer
time (power consumption).
This is the URI of a location on an HTTP-server where log file and camera pictures should be posted to.
When at server side multiple loggers should share the same URI, the loggers can be distinguished from
each other by examining the custom HTTP-
header ‘
DeviceSN’ which will contain a logger’s unique
serial number.
TCP port
Port on which the HTTP-server is listening, which is 80 by default.
The method used to logon to the HTTP-
server. At the moment only ‘Basic’ authentication is supported.
Implementing Digest (MD5) authentication is on a “to do”-list.
Data format
This defines the data format of the file to post. This can be our native TXT format, CSV (comma
separated value) format or our JSON format which can easily be picked up by server side scripting of an
Depending on the data format the following ‘Content-Type’ HTTP header will be added to the post.
Our native TXT format
Our JSON format
CSV format
A camera picture
If used, camera pictures are posted to the same URI as the log file so you have to examine the ‘Content-
Type’ header to distinguish a picture post from a log file post.
Remote configuration transfer and firmware upgrade
HTTP can also be used for remote configuration transfer and firmware upgrades, please ask your
distributor for our HTTP integration manual.
HTTP settings
[0] Exit
[1] Name >> HTTP
[2] Send interval >> 01:00:00
[3] Send delay >> Not used
[4] Server >>
[5] HTTP port >> 80
[6] Username >> Observator
[7] Password >> ******
[-] Authentication >> Basic
[9] Data format >> JSON
[R] Remove
[T] HTTP test >> Passed