Gb - 27
emitted indicating that the collar is ready for use.
If you inadvertently put the battery in the wrong way, the collar will not emit a beep.
Reposition the battery quickly otherwise you can damage the collar.
when you change the battery, your
memorises the mode you selected
Changing the contact points
Before replacing the contact points, make sure that you have correctly put the collar out of
service (remove the battery from its housing).
If your dog has a long-haired coat and the short contact points fitted in the factory are
unsuitable, unscrew these contact points and replace them with the long contact points
supplied with the accessories.
They should be moderately tightened by hand.
Do not use
pliers to tighten the contact points: this may cause irreparable damage to the product.
Checking your CANIFUGUE
Checking it is working properly:
You can check that your
is working properly at any time and display how it is
working using the test lamp.
Before making this check, ensure that your collar is out of service (battery removed
from the housing).
You can then place the test lamp in contact with each of the contact points (make a loop
around each contact points). Insert the battery into the collar. Connect the transmitter to
the power supply (power unit plugged into the mains and switch at On).
Walk up to the antenna wire. You should first hear the warning beep then, as you get
closer to the wire, the test lamp should light up. Your appliance is working perfectly.
Before disconnecting the test lamp, make sure you remove the battery!
Checking the mode selected:
If you need to, or as your dog's behaviour changes as he becomes used to the
, you can check the mode you selected some time ago.
A short press on the push button under the battery cover enables you to activate the beep
and count the number of beeps corresponding to the mode selected (1 to 8 beeps).