Rev 6 December
Page 8 of 34
NuAire, Inc.
2100 Fernbrook Lane
Plymouth, MN 55447
ph: 763.553.1270
fx: 763.553.0459
tf: 800.328.3352
1.11 Refrigeration System: Refrigerated Model
The refrigerated model allows the maintenance of a sample at its initial temperature, while undergoing a rotation. It is
possible to maintain a temperature from -10°C to 40°C.
Maximum performance for an ambient temperature of 20+ /- 2°C, with the rotor RX500 and the buckets BX500:
2. 0 Liter: continuous maintenance of 4°C at 4200 rpm,
3. 0 Liter: continuous maintenance of 4°C at 3600 rpm,
1.12 Frame
It is a one-piece frame: The safety shield allowing for absorbing the energy deployed by the rotor in the event of an
accident is directly visible from outside the machine. This allows you to limit the parts, and the sources of vibration.
1.13 Lid: Ventilated Model
The lid is fitted with an anti-vibration mount in anterior position, allowing for stabilizing it in the closed position.
A single strike plate allows the lock to close the lid, immobilizing it with a motorized deadbolt.
A guide finger provides additional safety when closing the lid.
The lid of the ventilated model has a fresh air inlet circuit, and a hot air outlet circuit.
1.14 Lid: Refrigerated Model
The lid is fitted with an anti-vibration mount in anterior position, allowing for stabilizing it in the closed position.
A single strike plate allows the lock to close the lid, immobilizing it with a motorized hook.
A guide finger provides additional safety when closing the lid.
The lid of the refrigerated model allows you to maintain the sealing of the bowl when the latter is closed.
It is fitted with a removable temperature sensor.
A porthole in the central part allows the tachometer control of the rotor using an optical tachometer.