Disconnect Types:
Manually- the user can select/deselect the “Disconnnect” box to power the outlet ON/OFF
Threshold Voltage- control power to the outlet based on minimum and or maximum configurable threshold voltage readings
Threshold Current- control power to the outlet based on maximum configurable threshold current readings
Threshold Power- control power to the outlet based on maximum configurable threshold power readings
Once settings are changed, press the
button to save them.
Power Relay Sensor
As of E-xD firmware version 4.5, when an E-ACLM-Px-V2 is connected, an additional Power Relay sensor is installed. The
Power Relay gives user direct control over the ON/OFF function of the relay. The user can quickly change the state of the relay
at any time provided the relay "Disconnect Type" (above and previous page) is set to "Manual".
Figure 11- ACLM-P-V2 Power Relay Sensor
The user can select Deactivate or Activate, press "Apply Changes", and the relay will change to the chosen state. Additionally
they can press "Configure" and change the settings to enable alert messages to go to any configured users.
Note: Configuration options on this page are similar to those of other ENVIROMUX sensors and are covered at length in
the ENVIROMUX manual.
Figure 12- Power Relay configuration