Flexpoint™ HS-1R User’s Manual
Page 30
RFID Read Block
The HS-1R can read the hex value-data stored in various RFID blocks from a tag at once or you
can tell it to output specific ones.
uses the following arguments:
-Block Number (0-xx)
-HexKey(optional for MifareClassic Only)
-KeyType(optional for MifareClassic Only,0=A,1=B)
Example codes:
RFID Read Block #0 of ISO 15693 tag
RFID Read Block #3 of ISO 15693 tag
RFID Read Block #2 of a Topaz tag
RFID Read Block #4 of MiFare Classic tag
RFID Write Block
The HS-1R can write data to specific blocks as well, using the same arguments as RFID Read
Block command, where the block data can only contain 8 hex characters (0-9 and A-F) per block:
uses the following arguments:
-Block Number (0-xx)
-HexKey(optional for MifareClassic Only)
-KeyType(optional for MifareClassic Only,0=A,1=B)
RFID Write Block 3 with data ‘1234ABCD’ to an ISO15693 tag