Document 15094 Rev C 11/20/95 15094:C
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Type of Circuit
Circuit Ratings
SLC Loop
LIB-200 Board: Employs intelligent
detectors and addressable modules -
SDX-551, SDX-551TH, FDX-551,
CPX-551, MMX-1, MMX-2, MMX-101,
CMX-1, BGX-10L, XPP-1, ISO-X.Ten
SLC Loops max per AM2020 system,
two per AFP1010.
24 Volts DC nominal, 27.6 volts DC max.
Maximum length is 10,000 ft. per channel (NFPA
Style 4) or 10,000 ft. total twisted pair length
(NFPA Style 6 and 7). Maximum loop current is
200mA (short circuit) or 100 mA (normal).
Maximum loop resistance is 40 ohms.
Supervised and power-limited.
NFPA Style 4: LIB-200
Channel A - Term. 1 (+) 3 (-);
Channel B - Term. 5 (+), 7 (-).
NFPA Style 6, 7: LIB-200
Terminals 1, 5 (+); 3,7 (-).
A circuit or path directly over
which multiple signals are
transmitted and received.
EIA-485 Interface
and EIA-232 Interface
SIB-2048/NET Serial Interface Board:
Employs AMG-1 Audio Message
Generator and annunciator modules -
ACM-16AT (AEM-16AT), ACM-32A
+/- 5 volts peak-to-peak. Supervised and
power-limited. 6000 ft. max distance.
Terminating resistor = 120 ohms, 1/4-watt (Part
# 71244). Characteristic impedance of the
wiring is 120 ohms.Transmission rate = 20.833
SIB-2048/NET P5, Terminal 5 (+) and 6
(-) to AMG-1 Connector P3, Terminal 6
(+) and 4 (-). SIB-2048 P5, Terminal 5
(+) and 6 (-) to ACM-16AT or ACM-32A
Connector TB2, Terminal 3,4 (-) and
1,2 (+).
SIB-2048/NET and SIB-232 Serial
Interface Boards: Employs CRT-1 with
Keyboard and CRT-1 without keyboard.
+/- 12 volts peak-to-peak. Supervised and
power-limited. Max distance limited by
capacitance of wire (refer to EIA-232E
Standard). Transmission rate of 2400 bps.
For SIB-2048 and SIB-232, see Chapter
One, Figures 5-2 and 5-3 of the
AM2020/AFP1010 Manual. For
SIB-NET see Section 1.5 of this manual.
SIB-2048/NET and SIB-232 Serial
Interface Boards: Employs PRN-3 and
Keltron P-40 printers.
+/- 12 volts peak-to-peak. Power-limited but not
supervised. Max distance limited by
capacitance of wire (refer to EIA-232E
Standard). Transmission rate of 2400 bps.
For SIB-2048 and SIB-232, see Chapter
One, Figures 5-2 and 5-3 of the
AM2020/AFP1010 Manual. For
SIB-NET see Section 1.5 of this manual.
SIB-2048/NET and SIB-232 Serial
Interface Boards: Employs UL EDP
listed equipment (display monitors and
+/- 12 volts peak-to-peak. Power-limited but not
supervised. Max distance limited by
capacitance of wire (refer to EIA-232E
Standard). Transmission rate of 2400 bps
For SIB-2048 and SIB-232, see Chapter
One, Figure 5-2 and 5-3 of the
AM2020/AFP1010 Manual. For
SIB-NET see Section 1.5 of this manual.
Initiating Device Circuit
MMX-1 Monitor Module: Employs
contact-type devices only - manual pull
stations, heat detectors, supervisory or
waterflow switches, and 4-wire smoke
ELR = 47K, 1/2, Part # A2143-20 (N-ELR in
Canada). NFPA Style B or Style D field wiring.
20 ohms max loop resistance. Supervised and
power-limited (210 uA).
NFPA Style B: MMX-1 Terminals 7 (+),
6 (-) NFPA Style D: MMX-1 Terminals
7,8 (+), 6,9 (-)
MMX-101 Monitor Module: Employs
contact-type devices only - manual pull
stations, heat detectors, supervisory or
waterflow switches, and 4-wire smoke
ELR = 47K, 1/2, Part # A2143-20 (N-ELR in
Canada). NFPA Style B or Style D field wiring.
20 ohms max loop resistance. Supervised and
power-limited (210 uA).
NFPA Style B: MMX-101 Red Wire (+),
White Wire (-)
A circuit to which automatic or
manual signal-initiating devices
are connected where the signal
received does not identify the
individual device being
XP Transponder XPM-8 module:
Employs 2-wire smoke detectors and
contact-type devices - manual pull
stations, heat detectors, supervisory or
waterflow switches, and 4-wire smoke
24 VDC (nominal), 200mV ripple. ELR = 2.2K,
1/2 watt, Part #R-2.2K (N-ELR in Canada).
NFPA Style B or Style D field wiring. 100 ohms
max loop resistance. Supervised and
power-limited (50 uA). See Notifier Device
Compatibility Document, 15378, for a list of
compatible 2-wire detectors.
NFPA Style B (8 zones on XPM-8 P2):
NFPA Style D (4 zones on XPM-8 P2):.
XP Transponder XPM-8L module:
Employs dry-contact type devices only -
manual pull stations, heat detectors,
supervisory or waterflow switches, and
4-wire smoke detectors.
24 VDC. ELR=10K, 1/2 watt, Part # R-10K
(N-ELR in Canada). NFPA Style B field wiring.
1000 ohms max loop resistance. Supervised
and power-limited.
NFPA Style B (8 zones on XPM-8L P2)
MMX-2 Monitor Module: Maximum of
40 MMX-2 modules per LIB-200.
Employs dry-contact type devices only -
manual pull stations, heat detectors,
supervisory or waterflow switches, and
4-wire smoke detectors.
24VDC Input 12-18 AWG. See Document
M500-03-00 for limits. Supervised. Power
limiting is a function of the 24 VDC source.
MMX-2 Terminal 3(-) and 4(+)
NFPA Style B or D Initiating Device Circuit
12-18 AWG 25 ohms max (including 24VDC
input wiring above). Supervised and power
limited (90mA). 3.9K, 1/2 W end-of-line resistor
required at terminals 8 and 9 for NFPA Style D
operation. See Document M500-03-00 for
additional limits. See Notifier Device
Compatibility Document for a list of compatible
2-wire detectors.
NFPA Style B MMX-2 Terminal 6(-) and
NFPA Style D MMX-2 Terminals 6,9(-)
and 7, 8(+)