An 8-tooth per inch, general-use blade is furnished with this metal cutting band saw. Additional blades in 4-, 6-,
8- and 10-tooth sizes are available. The choice of the blade pitch is governed by the thickness of the work to
be cut; the thinner the work piece, the more teeth advised. A minimum of three teeth should engage the work
piece at all times for proper cutting. If the teeth of the blade are so far apart that they straddle the work, severe
damage to the work piece and to the blade can result.
Ensure power is disconnected from saw. Raise saw head to vertical position and open the blade guards.
Loosen tension screw knob sufficiently to allow the saw blade to slip off the wheels. Install the new blade with
teeth slanting toward the motor as follows:
1.Place the blade in between each of the guide bearings.
2.Slip the blade around the motor pulley (bottom) with the left hand and hold in position.
3.Hold the blade taut against the motor pulley by pulling the blade upward with the right hand, which is placed
at the top of the blade.
4.Remove left hand from bottom pulley and place it at the top side of the blade to continue the application on
the upward pull on the blade.
5.Remove right hand from blade and adjust the position of the top pulley to permit left hand to slip the blade
around the pulley, using the thumb, index and little finger as guides.
6.Adjust the blade tension knob clockwise until it is just right enough so no blade slippage occurs. Do not
tighten excessively.
7.Replace the blade guards.
8.Place 2-3 drops of oil on the blade.
Your machine is equipped with a quick-action vise jaw which allows
you to instantly position the movable vise jaw (B). Simply turn hand
wheel (A) counterclockwise 1/2 turn and move the vise jaw (B) to
the desired position. Then tighten the vise jaw (B) against the work
piece by turning hand-wheel clockwise.
1.Loosen the A, C, E screws.
2.Adjust rear vise (B) to the threaded hole position.
3.Set the scale to the desired angle.
4.Adjust the front vise (D) to parallel the rear vise (B).
5.Tighten the A, C, E screws.
This is the most important adjustment on your saw. It is impossible to get satisfactory work from your saw if the
blade guides are not properly adjusted. The blade guide bearing for your band saw are adjusted and power
tested with several test cuts before leaving the factory to insure the proper setting. The need for adjustment
should rarely occur if the saw is used properly. If the guides become out of adjustment, it is extremely
important to readjust immediately. If proper adjustment is not maintained, the blade will not cut straight and if
the situation is not corrected, it will cause blade damage.
Because guide adjustment is a critical factor in the performance of your saw, it is always best to try a new
blade to see if this will correct poor cutting before beginning to adjust the bearings. If a blade becomes dull on
one side sooner than the other, for example, it will not cut straight. A simple blade change should correct this
problem the more difficult guide adjustment will not.
If a new blade does not correct the problem, check the blade guides for proper spacing.
There should be 0.001" clearance between the 0.025" thickness blade and guide bearing. To obtain this
clearance, adjust as follows:
1.The inner guide bearing is fixed and cannot be adjusted.
2.The outer guide bearing is mounted to an eccentric bolt and can be adjusted.
3.Loosen the nut while holding the bolt with a wrench.
4.Position the eccentric by turning the bolt to the desired position of clearance.
5.Tighten the nut.
6.Adjust the second blade guide bearing in the same manner.
7.The back edge of the blade should just touch the lip of the blade guide bearing.
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