Coolant tank preparation
Use of a water-soluble coolant will increase cutting efficiency and
prolong blade life. Do not use black cutting oil as a substitute. Change
coolant often and follow manufacturer's instructions as to its uses and
1.Turn off and disconnect machine from its power source.
2.Remove coolant return hose from tank cover.
3.Slide tank out of saw base and carefully remove lid containing coolant
4.Fill tank to approximately 80% of capacity.
5.Place lid back onto tank and place tank assembly back into base.
6.Replace return hose back into hole in tank lid.
Electric Box
A.Part No. A-Emergency stop switch (EMS). It stops all electric motors,
including coolant pump.
B.Part No. B-Start switch.
C.Part No. C-Stop switch.
There is a relay inside the electric box. When machine is overloaded and
the current is too high, the relay will switch off automatically. It cuts off all
electrics and machine stops. To reset, open the electric box and find the
switch (a white button). Resetting this white button will restore electrical
power. If this machine overloads frequently, adjust the setting of current
Adjusting blade square to table
1.Turn off and disconnect machine from its power source.
2.Place machinist's square on table next to blade as pictured in Fig. 6.
3.Check to see that the blade makes contact with square along the entire
width of the blade.
4.If adjustment is necessary, loosen bolts (A, Fig.6 ) and rotate blade
guide assemblies slightly in the same direction until blade makes
contact with the square along its entire width.
5.Tighten bolts (A).
6.Connect machine to the power source.
If adjustment to square blade to table is necessary, check blade
adjustments again.
Adjusting blade square to vise
1.Disconnect machine from the power source.
2.Place a machinist's square as pictured in figure 7.Square should lie
along entire length of vise and blade without a gap.
3.If adjustment is necessary, loosen bolts holding vise that
square lines up properly. Tighten bolts.
4.Connect machine to the power source.
Adjusting blade guides
1.Turn off and disconnect machine from its power source.
2.Loosen knob (A. Fig. 8) and bolt (B). Slide blade guide assemblies as
close as possible to the material without interfering with the cut.
3.Tighten knob (A) and bolt (B) and connect machine to the
power source.
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