Media Services Card replacement
Business Communications Manager
MSC FRU replacement process
P0607273 03
The procedures in this document replace the procedures in your Business Communications
Manager (BCM) installation and maintenance guide to remove, replace, and configure the
media services card (MSC) field replaceable unit (FRU). These procedures help you correctly
set up the system to receive a new MSC and to download the correct operating files from the
system hard disk.
The procedures to prepare the system for maintenance, and to remove and replace the base
function tray, are the same procedures as found in your installation and maintenance guide.
Equipment note: BCM200/BCM400
Most internal diagrams in this document show the BCM200 hardware configuration. The
BCM400 base function tray is the same. One exception is that the BCM400 MSC has space for
four processor expansion cards (PECs), whereas the BCM200 supports a maximum of two.
The procedure to remove and replace the tray and the MSC is the same for both models. Any
differences are noted where appropriate,
Addendum contents
This addendum contains the following sections. Ensure that you follow each section in
Process Map: Installing a new media services card for BCM 3.x on page 2
Process Map: Installing a new media services card for BCM 4.0 on page 3
A. Preparing the system for maintenance on page 5
B. Removing the base function tray on page 5
D. Performing service configuration commands on page 9
E. Installing the new MSC on page 10
F. Replacing the base function tray on page 11
G. Uploading the MSC software for BCM 3.x on page 13
H. Loading the MSC software for BCM 4.0 on page 16
I. Restoring the system to operation on page 17
Only qualified personnel must perform these procedures. Failure to
follow these steps in sequence to replace an MSC results in an inoperable system.
Ensure that all procedures performed on the hardware occur in a static safe