ONT configuration file over OMCI
7368 ISAM ONT G-240W-G Product Guide
Issue: 01
Table 60
Supported configuration files
File Index
Supported ONTs/DPU
pre-configuration file
The XML-based PRECONFIG file controls the working
mechanics of the ONT for various services. The
default behavior of different ONTs may vary based on
the factory settings.
The pre-configuration file includes the factory default
value for the residential gateway.
Note: the pre-configuration file does not work with SFU
ONTs; therefore, this feature applies only to
Residential Gateway ONTs.
The pre-configuration file can be used as is, but Nokia
provides its customers with the flexibility to customize
the pre-configuration file.
This pre-configuration file enables operators to change
the default behavior by downloading a customized
pre-configuration based on customer inputs.
This PRE XML file includes a custom OPERID.
The Nokia defined index for the PRECONFIG file is:
G-240W-B, G-240W-C,
G-240W-G, I-240W-A
ONT configuration
delta file
The XML-based CFG file updates the configurable
parameters (the PRE settings) in the existing PRE file
of a deployed ONT, where required.
This configuration file enables operators to change the
deployed behavior by downloading customized
updates in the CFG file.
This file is used only to modify the parameters in the
PRE file; it is not used for service provisioning.
No OPERID is required, because the update is based
on the OPERID used for the PRE file.
The Nokia defined index for the PRECONFIG DELTA
file is: "CFG"
Voice XML file
The Voice XML file provides an alternate method for
securely downloading voice parameters from the OLT,
rather than using FTP (OMCIv1/OMCIv2) or HTTPS
(TR-069). Downloading this file makes the applicable
changes in the voice parameters.
This file enables operators to change the voice
behavior by downloading the updated voice XML file.
Nokia recommends using this procedure, rather than
embedded voice XML files.
The Nokia defined index for the Voice XML file is:
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Release 05.08.01a | August 2018 | Edition 01