7368 ISAM ONT E-240W-A Product Guide
ETSI ONT safety guidelines
Issue: 01
The following are the guidelines regarding cables used for the ONT equipment:
All cables must be approved by the relevant national electrical code.
The cables for outdoor installation of ONTs must be suitable for outdoor use.
POTS wiring run outside the subscriber premises must comply with the
requirements of local electrical codes. In some markets, the maximum allowed
length of the outside run is 140 feet (43 m). If the outside run is longer, NEC
requires primary protection at both the exit and entry points for the wire.
Protective earth
Earthing and bonding of the ONTs must comply with the requirements of local
electrical codes.
ESD safety guidelines
The ONT equipment is sensitive to ESD. Operations personnel must observe the
following ESD instructions when they handle the ONT equipment.
During installation and maintenance, service personnel must wear wrist straps to
prevent damage caused by ESD.
Laser safety guidelines
Observe the following instructions when you perform installation, operations, and
maintenance tasks on the ONT equipment.
Only qualified service personnel who are extremely familiar with laser radiation
hazards should install or remove the fiber optic cables and units in this system.
Caution —
This equipment is ESD sensitive. Proper ESD
protections should be used when you enter the TELCO Access
portion of the ONT.
Danger —
There may be invisible laser radiation at the fiber
optic cable when the cable is removed from the connector.
Avoid direct exposure to the laser beam.
Release 06.00.00h | January 2019 | Edition 08