RUN mode
Press any key among
2 sec.
1.5 sec.
1.5 sec.
is valid.
Set the
set value.
will be automatically
saved after 5 sec.
3 sec.
3 sec.
3 sec.
3 sec.
3 sec.
Control output RUN/STOP
Auto-tunning RUN/STOP
Multi SV number
Heater current monitoring
Alarm output 1 low-limit set value
Alarm output 1 high-limit set value
Alarm output 2 low-limit set value
Alarm output 2 high-limit set value
Alarm output 3 low-limit set value
Alarm output 3 high-limit set value
Heating proportional band
Cooling proportional band
Heating integral time
Cooling integral time
Heating derivative time
Cooling derivative time
Dead overlap band
Manual reset
Heating hysteresis
Heating OFF offset
Sensor temperature unit
Analog low-limit input value
Analog high-limit input value
Scaling decimal point
Low-limit scale value
High-limit scale value
Display unit
Kézi visszaállítás
Fűtés hiszterézis
Fűtés KI eltolás
Cooling hysteresis
Cooling OFF offset
MV low-limit
MV high-limit
RAMP-up change rate
RAMP-down change rate
RAMP time unit
SV-0 set value
SV-1 set value
SV-2 set value
SV-3 set value
3 sec.
1.5 sec.
1.5 sec.
1.5 sec.
Input type
Alarm output 1 operation mode
Multi SV
Digital input key
DI-1 input terminal function
DI-2 input terminal function
Manual control, initial MV
Manual control, preset MV
Sensor error, MV
Control stop, MV
User level
SV setting lock
Parameter 1 group lock
Parameter 2 group lock
Parameter 3 group lock
Parameter 4 group lock
Parameter 5 group lock
Password setting
Control stop, alarm output
Alarm output 1 option
Alarm 1 NO/NC
Alarm 1 ON delay time
Alarm 1 OFF delay time
Alarm output 2 operation mode
Alarm output 2 option
Alarm output 2 hysteresis
Alarm output 3 operation mode
Alarm output 3 option
Alarm output 3 hysteresis
Alarm 2 NO/NC
Alarm 2 ON delay time
Alarm 2 OFF delay time
Alarm 3 NO/NC
Alarm 3 ON delay time
Alarm 3 OFF delay time
LBA time
LBA band
Analog trans. output 1 mode
Trans. output 1 low-limit value
Trans. output 1 high-limit value
Analog trans. output 2 mode
Trans. output 2 low-limit value
Trans. output 2 high-limit value
Communication address
Communication speed
Communication parity bit
Communication stop bit
Comm. response waiting time
Communication write
Alarm output 1 hysteresis
Input correction
Input digital filter
SV low-limit
SV high-limit
Control output operation mode
Control type
Auto-tuning mode
OUT1 control output selection
OUT1 SSR drive output type
OUT1 current output range
OUT2 control output selection
OUT2 current output range
Heating control time
Cooling control time