9.0 Operating and maintenance instructions
GAST Air motor Type AM 8
9.1 Construction
Your air motor is a precision built rotary type motor.
The vanes take u
their own wear and will last
5,000-15,000 hours depending upon speed, met-
hod of oiling, operating pressure, and the precau-
tions taken in maintaining the motor. The type of
shaft seal used does not lend itself to operating
pressures above 100 Psi (6.89 bar metric).
9.2 Installation
Install a moisture trap and fi lter in the air line ahead
of motor. For effi ciency of output and control of
speed use air lines the same size or in the next
pipe size larger than the intake port of the motor.
9.3 Lubrication - use a detergent SAE
10 or detergent with antifreezing additive.
For proper operation and maximum service life an
automatic air line lubricator must be installed in the
air line just ahead of the air motor. The lubricator
should be adjusted to feed one drop of oil for every
50-75 CMF of air going through the motor.
Air consumption fi gures for various models at vari-
ous speeds and air line pressures can be obtained
from your local GAST representative or the factory.
Lubrication is necessary for all internal moving
parts and rust prevention.
Excessive moisture in the air line can cause rust
formation in motor and might also cause ice to
form in the muffl er due to expansion of air through
the motor. The moisture problem can be corrected
by installing a moisture separator in the air line
and also by installing an aftercooler between the
compressor and air receiver.
9.4 Operation
The starting torque is less than the running torque
and could vary depending on the position at which
the vanes stop in relation to the air intake port.
The speed and torque can be regulated by using
a pressure regulator or a simple shut-off valve to
obtain desired power and conserve air. It is very
important that the air motor not be allowed to »run
free« at high speeds with no load and improper
lubrication. Running under these conditions can
cause excessive internal heat build up, loss of
internal clearances and rapid motor damage.
9.5 Servicing
If the motor is sluggish or ineffi cient try fl ushing
with solvent*). To fl ush a unit, disconnect air line
and muffl er and add several teaspoonful of solvent.
Rotate the shaft by hand in both directions for
a few minutes, reconnect the air line and slowly
apply pressure until there is no trace of solvent in
exhaust air.
Flush unit in a well ventilated area. Eye protection
is recommended. Keep face away from exhaust
port and do not fl ush with fl ammable solvent.
Relubricate the motor with a squirt of oil in the
chamber.If the vanes need replacing or foreign ma-
terials are present in motor chamber, an experien-
ced mechanic may remove the end plate opposite
the drive shaft end. Do not try with a screwdriver. It
will dent the surface of the plate and body causing
leaks. A puller tool should be used which will
remove the end plate while maintaining the position
of the shaft. New vanes should have the edge with
the corners cut on angle or the notched edge (if
reversible) towards the bottom of the vane slot.
To prevent explosive hazard do not drive
this air motor with combustible gases.
Recommended commercial solvent for air motors and
lubricated pumps is Gast Flushing Solvent part AH255, or
any non toxic, non fl ammable industrial cleaning solvent.