Two-Axis Position & Power Sensing Device
Using an application software or Windows HyperTerminal (see CONEX-PSD
Controller Documentation) set all gains to 1 with the following commands:
Use the 1RA? command to get the current offsets.
On PSD9 silicon, this command will return 3 parameters: OX, OY, OS (in volts).
Set the offsets using the following commands:
“1IXnn” with nn = OX value
“1IYnn” with nn = OY value
“1ISnn” with nn = OS value
On PSD10Ge, this command will return 4 parameters : offset1, offset2, offset3,
offset4 (in volts).
Set the offsets using the following commands:
“1OFaa,bb,cc,dd” with aa = offset1 value, bb = offset2 value, cc = offset3 value
and dd = offset4 value
Those 4 values correspond to electrical offsets. For optical offset compensation and
full scale adjustment (section below), use OX/PX and OY/PY commands to
compensate X and Y positions and scalings.
Using the command “1GP?”, verify that the corrected positions and power are set to
Turn the beam to be measured ON.
Using the command “1GP?”, read your beam position and power level.
Gain (-1 – +1)
To facilitate measurements, a gain can be used to modify the reported value of position
and power.
For example:
To change the sign of beam X position, use “1PX-1”.
To change beam position unit from mm (default) to inches, use “1PX0.0393”.
Frequency (LF 0-1000)
CONEX-PSD sensor features an analog filter with a fixed cut-off frequency of 319 Hz
for Si sensor and 136 for Ge sensor.
This allows an average power measurement for pulsed lasers.
An additional programmable low pass filter can be set to increase noise immunity (such
as the 100~120 Hz coming from room fluorescent lights) using the command: “1LF80”.
EDH0315En1030 — 07/16