ChipSHOUTER Users Manual
: Oscilloscope Pulse Shape
Oscilloscope Pulse Shape Monitoring
To monitor the injected pulse, two oscilloscope adapter
probes are included. These adapters are based on standard
oscilloscope probes, but with the business end of the probe
built into the ChipSHOUTER itself.
This allows you to monitor the high-voltage output with-
out risk of exposing yourself to high voltages. These probes
are designed only for usage with a standard 1M
||10-25pF os-
cilloscope input.
CAUTION: Usage with any other input type (in-
cluding higher or lower impedance) can result in
damage to your device and exposure to high voltag-
es. Be sure to carefully review the voltage limits
Figure 10: Inserted pulse viewed on oscilloscope screen.