ChipSHOUTER Users Manual
: Oscilloscope Pulse Shape
low number of samples (8 works well). While pulsing the
ChipSHOUTER adjust the small trimmer in the probe body until
the maximum pulse amplitude reads 350 volts. Your probe is
now calibrated. The measured voltage is not 400V as the os-
cilloscope measures the voltage at the probe output, and
there is some drop across the internal protection resistors.
Due to oscilloscope variation, you may not achieve the
350V measurement. Instead we recommend selecting your “cali-
bration” voltage and recording it here. This calibration
will still help you recreate results on your oscilloscope if
you need to switch ChipSHOUTERs or probes.
Oscilloscope Identifier Voltage Measured Date
Figure 12: Example calibration waveform.