System User Manual
Programmer Turns OFF or Freezes
1. Plug programmer into a grounded power outlet.
2. Hold the programmer power button down for 5-10 seconds.
3. Release the programmer power button.
4. Press the programmer power button again. If the programmer does not restart, follow the
above instructions again. If the programmer still does not respond, contact NeuroPace for
further assistance.
Low Battery Measurement
1. Repeat the battery measurement.
2. If interrogation of the RNS
Neurostimulator is possible, complete the interrogation and
synchronize the programmer with the Patient Data Management System.
3. Contact NeuroPace for further assistance.
Impedance Measurement was Rejected / Test Request was Rejected
Impedance measurement was rejected by the neurostimulator
Test request was rejected by the neurostimulator
The neurostimulator cannot perform an impedance measurement or a test stimulation (therapy
Possible Cause
The neurostimulator may be delivering therapy. Impedance measurement or test stimulation
cannot be performed during responsive therapy.
The neurostimulator may be detecting an episode. Impedance measurement or test
stimulation cannot be performed while an episode is being detected.
Actions to be Taken
1. Temporarily disable detection in order to proceed with the test stimulation or impedance
measurement; or
2. Wait until the neurostimulator is no longer detecting an episode.
Neurostimulator Reset (DC Leak Detected)
Neurostimulator SN xxxxxx has reset. Reset Reason: DC leak detected, PC = 49159, Data = 0.
Copy the above information exactly for technical support. The neurostimulator will not detect or
deliver therapy until it has been programmed. Select Continue and additional information will be
gathered on the reset