The Optus Commitment
Our guarantee to you
Our commitment
is to aim to bring you the most reliable phone service in Australia.
We guarantee to keep our appointments
There’s nothing more frustrating than waiting around for a service call.
That’s why, when you make an appointment for an Optus technician to call at your premises, to either install
your service or repair a fault, we guarantee we’ll arrive within the agreed time frame.
Naturally, if there are emergencies or hitches that are out of our control (such as extreme weather conditions)
it may be necessary for you or Optus to reschedule the appointment. If this happens, we commit to providing
you with reasonable notice of the change.
We guarantee the time of your connection
When you request to be connected to Optus Local, we guarantee your connection will be made within
5 working days of the installation date you requested or within 2 days if the service can be
automatically connected.
In the event that Optus needs to meet other requirements such as local government regulations or permission
to cross another person’s land, or you agree to waive your customer service guarantee rights due to a special
offer or plan, your connection may take a little longer. In this case, we guarantee to complete your connection
by an agreed date.
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