v1.0, September 2009
access options 1-32
account creation 1-15
account settings 4-15
add new user 3-53
Administration 3-53
Agent access 1-32
Albums 2-6, 3-11, 3-22
add files 3-27
delete 3-28
disable sharing 3-28
menu 3-23
rename 3-23
set as cover 3-28
shared 3-25
sharing options 3-26
unshared 3-24
working with 3-23
application, Stora 3-2
backup 4-5
backup, add folders 4-7
backup, remove folders 4-9
backups, manual 4-12
captions, add 3-33
Chapter 1, Getting Acquainted 1-1
Chapter 2, Stora agent 2-1
Chapter 3, Stora Application 3-1
Chapter 4, Desktop Mirror 4-1
check disk status 1-25
configuration 1-12
configure Desktop Mirror 4-3
connect to network 1-11
add/remove a friend 3-37
address book 3-37
setting up 3-37
working with 3-37
date 3-52
Desktop Applications
install 1-26
Desktop Mirror
add folders 4-7
file menu 4-7
help menu 4-19
initial configuration 4-3
open 2-7
overview 4-2
PC, Mac 4-2
quit 4-10
remove folders from backup 4-9
restore files 4-12, 4-14
set backup schedule 4-5
starting 4-2
tools menu 4-12
view menu 4-11
check status 1-25
disk release latch 1-8
bays 1-7
eject 1-24
install 1-23
replace 1-25