If your ISP assigned a host name to your computer, enter that host name as the account name. For
more information, see one of the following sections:
Specify an ADSL Connection Without a Login
on page 30
Specify a VDSL Connection Without a Login
on page 38
Your ISP might be rejecting the Ethernet MAC addresses of all but one of your computers.
Many broadband ISPs restrict access by allowing traffic only from the MAC address of your modem,
but some additionally restrict access to the MAC address of a single computer connected to that modem.
In this case, configure your modem to clone or spoof the MAC address from the authorized computer.
For more information, see one of the following sections:
Manually Set Up an ADSL Internet Connection
on page 29
Manually Set Up a VDSL Internet Connection
on page 38
Broadband High-Speed DSL Modem Model DM200