of the person responsible for the tests. This is most
likely the manager of the group or person doing the tests.
that describe the session.
Test Group
the session is associated to. The group defines
the Subjects that are going to be tested in this session. It is
not necessary to test all subjects within the group in one ses-
sion, but the subjects that are not members of the group can-
not be tested in the session.
1.8 Synchronization
The synchronization of data between
Powertimer SW-300
and Powertimer Analyzer is made with the Hotsync feature of
Palm. Synchronization procedure is following:
• All data is copied from
Powertimer SW-300
to Powertimer
• All data is removed from
Powertimer SW-300
you have selected for uploading are
copied from Powertimer Analyzer to
Powertimer SW-300
have special processing rules, since they
can be uploaded from Powertimer Analyzer to
• If you upload a subject from Powertimer Analyzer to
timer SW-300
, change it in Palm and then move it back to
the Powertimer Analyzer, the subject is automatically updat-
ed to reflect the changes made in Palm.
• If you upload a group, change it and move it back, it is also
updated to reflect the changes made in Palm. Note that you
cannot create a new group by changing the name of an ex-
isting group, since the existing group gets overwritten when
• The
between existing subjects and groups are nev-
er updated. If you copy two subjects and one group to Palm
and add the subjects to the group, the subjects will be re-
moved from that group when moved back to Powertimer An-
alyzer. If you want to permanently add exiting subjects to
groups, you need to do that with the Powertimer Analyzer.
• If you create new groups and new subjects with the
ertimer SW-300
the relations between them are moved to
Powertimer Analyzer.
• If you create a new subject which has the same
Subject ID
as an existing subject in Powertimer Analyzer, you will be
queried whether you want to replace the subject in Power-
timer Analyzer or leave it as is. In either case, the relations
between the new subject and any new group created with
Palm are updated into Powertimer Analyzer. The subject will
become member of those new groups.
These rules assure that there is only one copy of each sub-
ject, group and relation in the database of Powertimer Ana-
lyzer. However, multiple
Powertimer SW-300´
s may contain
different versions of the same groups and subjects. If you up-
load a subject or group to multiple
Powertimer SW-300
s and
change it on one of them, the changes are lost if you first syn-
chronize the changed
Powertimer SW-300
and after that the
unchanged one, since the unchanged will overwrite the previ-
ous changes.