Hardware Configuration
The SB72EX has two asynchronous UART type serial ports, referred to as Port 0 and Port 1. They are
accessed through two DB-9 connectors. Port 0 can be configured for either RS-232 or RS-485 operation
(the factory default is RS-232), while Port 1 is permanently configured as a RS-232 port.
Single Port RS-232 Operation: We recommend using Port 1 as the Serial-To-Ethernet data port. Port 0 will
default to a “Debug Port” providing status messages on the operation of the SB72EX that can be viewed
using a serial terminal program such as the MTTTY utility.
Dual Port RS-232 Operation: Use both Port 0 and Port 1 as data ports. In the software configuration
changing Port 0 operation from “Debug” to “RS-232” will disable the status messages.
RS-422 or RS-485 Operation: Configure Port 0 using the settings below. Port 1 can be used as a RS-232
data port, or you can select the Debug option in the software configuration to make Port 1 the Debug port
for status messages.
To configure Port 0 as RS-422/485, you will need to open up your SB72EX case and change the position of
the five jumpers. (Note
Please take proper ESD precautions. Failure to do so will void your NetBurner
Standard Hardware Warranty.)
There are five 3-pin headers that can be jumpered in one of two positions: connecting pins 1 and 2, or
connecting pins 2 and 3. The five jumpers are located on the SB72EX board as shown below. Remember,
Port 1 is permanently configured as a RS-232 port.
To configure Port 0 as RS-485: Position each of the five jumpers so they connect pins 2
To configure Port 0 as RS-232 (the default configuration): Position each of the five
jumpers so they connect pins 1 and 2.
Serial Port 0
Serial Jumper Settings
Serial Port 1
Ethernet RJ-45
Power LED
Power Input
JP7 - RS-485 Half Duplex Transmit Echo Enable/Disable
Jumper Placement
Jumper pins 1 and 2
Enables echo of transmitted characters.
Jumper pins 2 and 3
Disables echo of transmitted characters (factory default).
After you have your SB72EX configured correctly, you must select the corresponding software options
using the web interface.
SB72EX User's Manual, 350030-001
Page 4
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