You need to respond with
when prompted to continue into advanced mode and see the advanced
mode prompt (*>).
b. Perform the switchback operation with the -simulate parameter:
metrocluster switchover
c. Return to the admin privilege level:
set -privilege admin
Complete system restoration - AFF A220 and FAS2700
To restore your system to full operation, you must restore the NetApp Storage Encryption
configuration (if necessary), and install licenses for the new controller, and return the
failed part to NetApp, as described in the RMA instructions shipped with the kit.
Step 1: Install licenses for the replacement controller in ONTAP
You must install new licenses for the
node if the impaired node was using ONTAP features that
require a standard (node-locked) license. For features with standard licenses, each node in the cluster should
have its own key for the feature.
About this task
Until you install license keys, features requiring standard licenses continue to be available to the
node. However, if the impaired node was the only node in the cluster with a license for the feature, no
configuration changes to the feature are allowed. Also, using unlicensed features on the node might put you
out of compliance with your license agreement, so you should install the replacement license key or keys on
node as soon as possible.
Before you begin
The licenses keys must be in the 28-character format.
You have a 90-day grace period in which to install the license keys. After the grace period, all old licenses are
invalidated. After a valid license key is installed, you have 24 hours to install all of the keys before the grace
period ends.
1. If you need new license keys, obtain replacement license keys on the
in the My
Support section under Software licenses.
The new license keys that you require are automatically generated and sent to the email
address on file. If you fail to receive the email with the license keys within 30 days, you
should contact technical support.
2. Install each license key:
system license add -license-code license-key, license-key...
3. Remove the old licenses, if desired:
a. Check for unused licenses:
license clean-up -unused -simulate
b. If the list looks correct, remove the unused licenses:
license clean-up -unused
Step 2: Restore Storage and Volume Encryption functionality
After replacing the controller module or NVRAM module for a storage system that you previously configured to
use Storage or Volume Encryption, you must perform additional steps to provide uninterrupted Encryption