iBypass Switches with Heartbeat
Uninterrupted Traffic
This iBypass Switch supports fail-open monitoring with any 10 GigaBit device
when it shares the same power source as the device. As long as the iBypass Switch
is receiving power, it will divert network traffic to attached monitoring devices.
In this state, all traffic is routed directly to the monitoring device connected to the
iBypass Switch.
When the iBypass Switch loses power, traffic continues to flow through the
network link, but is no longer routed through the iBypass Switch. This allows
network devices to be removed and replaced without network downtime. Once
power is restored to the iBypass Switch, network traffic is seamlessly diverted to
the monitoring device, allowing it to resume its critical functions.
Simply Plug It In
10 GigaBit iBypass Switches use XFP transceivers and GigaBit iBypass Switches
use SFP transceivers. The port kit includes the cables you need to establish a
secure network connection point for inline devices, and the cable to connect
monitoring devices.
Bypass Detect
You can set the Monitor Ports to cycle on and off while the iBypass Switch is in
Bypass ON mode in order to trigger attached devices to alarms to a management
system. In Bypass Detect mode, the monitor ports will cycle through five seconds
off followed by fifteen seconds on. When the iBypass Switch returns to Bypass
OFF mode, the monitor ports remain on and the on/off cycle is discontinued.
Link Fault Detect
You can set the iBypass Switch to drop the remaining network link when one
side of the link fails. The Link Fault Detect (LFD) feature ensures that connected
devices are aware of a failure on both sides of the link.
Note ____________________________________________________________________
Net Optics warrants the operation of the iBypass Switches only with XFP and SFP
modules supplied by Net Optics.