iBypass Switches with Heartbeat
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Create a System Manager Group
Organize iBypass Switches or other Net Optics devices into groups for quick ac-
cess. Devices must belong to a group. If you add an iiBypass Switch when there is
no group, a group is created automatically.
To create an iBypass Switch group:
1. Click New Group in the toolbar. A new group bar appears in the System Frame
as shown in the following figure.
2. Either accept the default group name or edit it by typing the new name and
pressing Enter.
Delete a System Manager Group
You can delete a group; however, all devices within that group will also be deleted
from System Manager.
Note: ____________________________________________________________________
Deleting an iBypass Switch from System Manager does not affect the current
operating status of the iBypass Switch. The iBypass Switch continues to pass traffic
from the Network ports to the Monitor Ports. However, you will not have visibillty
from System Manager unless it is added back in.
To delete a group:
1. Right-click the group that you want to delete.
2. Select Delete from the pop-up menu. The group and all associated devices are
deleted from System Manager.