The life expectancy of the catalyst is about 4 to 5
years depending upon use of the stove and the
quality of the wood being used.
Burn only dry, seasoned wood, with a moisture
content of 20 percent or less. Season wood at least
six months; store outdoors, loosely covered, to
allow air to circulate freely through the pile. "Green"
or wet wood releases less heat because energy from
the fire must first evaporate the moisture before
producing useful heat.
Build and maintain moderately hot fires quickly
a�er loading the wood. A hot ini�al fire will help
your catalyst reach opera�ng temperature faster.
Once “lit”, the catalyst will stay “lit” even if the fire
burns lower. Catalyst temperatures of 500°C or
more are typical in normal opera�on. Once a
catalyst is “lit" it will stay lit at temperatures of
about 200°C.
Burning moderate to full loads of wood providing
several hours of uninterrupted burning. Minimising
door openings allows the temperatures to stay high,
which reduces pollu�on. Frequent door openings
allows cold air into the stove and cools the catalyser.
Operate your stove in the bypass mode ini�ally so
that smoke bypasses the catalyst. Wait un�l the
stove is hot enough before engaging the catalyst,
but be careful not to overheat the stove. The reason
for this is that, to some extent, the catalyst may
reduce the dra�. With poor flue dra�, the fire will
take longer to develop and the catalyst will take
longer to become “lit”.
Don't over fire your stove, especially when the
catalyst is engaged. Avoid excessive catalyst
temperatures. This is another reason to use a flue
temperature gauge. Catalysts can be damaged or
destroyed by prolonged excess heat.
Don't open the ash pan door while the stove is lit
because this will lead to overhea�ng and damage
the catalyser.
Check door rope seals regularly to ensure no
uncontrolled air is entering the stove leading to over
firing. Check for catalyst deteriora�on by either of
these two methods:
1) Observe the chimney, both before and a�er the
catalyst has engaged, to determine if the catalyst
has reduced the amount of smoke being emi�ed
from the chimney. If the sky provides a solid light
background, you should be able to see a difference
between the smoke from a stove before and a�er
the catalyst is engaged.
2) Inspect the inside of the chimney for creosote
buildup. Although there will s�ll be some creosote
buildup from opera�ng cataly�c stoves properly,
the rates of buildup should be much lower than in
conven�onal stoves. Your chimney sweep will be
able to help you ascertain this.
A replacement catalyser can be obtained from your
local Nestor Mar�n dealer or directly from
Eurostoves spare parts website.
Catalyst part number: N91300-55-03-99-00
Keep Shut
Instruc�on Manual 08/2020
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