Instruc�on Manual 08/2020
13 of 24
When burning smokeless coal:
(Not recommended in
the TruHybrid stoves)
Always keep the Burn Type
Lever in its lower position ("B"), once the fire is
established. If your model has a blind grate, remove
it, li� the grate from the bottom of the fire chamber.
Under the grate is the blind grate.
To refuel the stove, first slide the Burn Type Lever to
its mid posi�on, and then rotate the Burn Rate Knob
to maximum. Let the fire “liven up” for about one
minute. Always riddle the grate before pu�ng
another load of smokeless coal to give the ini�al
release of gasses sufficient air with which to burn.
Open the front door slightly and hold in this position
about 30 seconds or un�l stove is dra�ing well. Open
the door all the way and rake the embers towards
the front of the stove, spreading them evenly. If there
are logs only par�ally burned, rake these to the front
of stove. Add fuel. If the fire or coal bed is almost
depleted and a full load of logs or coal is added, it
may be necessary to leave the Burn Rate Knob on the
high se�ng for a while to re-establish a lively fire.
Once the fuel is burning at a brisk rate, slide the Burn
Type Lever back to Position A (wood) or B (coal) and
turn the Burn Rate Knob down to the desired se�ng.
The Burn Rate Knob allows you to adjust the size of
the intake opening, and therefore the tempo of the
fire. Turning the knob to the le� increases air intake,
resul�ng in higher flames and a cleaner burn; Turning
the knob to the right decreases air intake, thus
lowering the flames and prolonging the burn time.
If you fill your appliance with wood and close the air
supply, you will produce smoke and tar and the
window glass will become dirty. To keep the glass
clean and burn overnight without producing smoke
we recommend you build up a bed of charcoal, which
will burn cleanly for many hours with the air flow
reduced to a low se�ng, the depth of charcoal will
depend on the length of �me you wish to run it for.
Do not shut the air control completely but leave it
slightly open, depending on how the chimney draws,
to achieve slow burning for a maximum of 8 hours
(with dry, good quality wood such as oak…).
With a well drawing chimney, the air control will
need to be closed further than with poor drawing
chimneys. If your window glass becomes tarred after
a low burn, you may burn the tar off by using the
integrated air wash system. To do so, turn the Burn
Rate Knob to maximum and run the stove hard with
a small charge of dry seasoned wood.
Only handle the ash pan when the
stove is cold. Always avoid opening the ash-pan if
your stove is in operation. Empty the ash pan
regularly to prevent the ash from spilling over. Do
not allow ash to build up and touch the under side of
the grate. A layer of ash le� over the grate when
burning wood will protect the grate, retain heat, and
promote clean combus�on. To clean the ash from
the stove, use the poker
provided. The grate can
encourage ash to fall into
the ash pan.
The riddling rod is located
between the plexus fascia
panel and the ashtray door
(Fig. 20).
With the tool provided,
you can operate the knob
pushing back to shake the
Fig. 18
By-pass close
Blind grate
Fig. 19