Instruc�on Manual 08/2020
18 of 24
Catalyst Maintenance and Removal for
The catalyst should be removed and inspected at
least once during the hea�ng season to ensure clean
combus�on is occurring. A build up of tar and soot
can reduce the effec�veness of the catalysts
cleaning proper�es.
Cleaning the catalyser may be done using a vacuum
cleaner on both sides. You can also use a so�
bristled brush (like a paint brush). If your catalyst
seems plugged with ash even a�er brushing or
vacuuming, you can gently clean the cells with a
pipe cleaner.
We do not recommend that you clean your catalyser
with an air compressor unless you can ensure a very
low pressure. Using high pressure air to blow the cell
free of fly ash build up can also blow off the catalysts
metal coa�ng inside the cells. However, the
compressed air that comes in a can may be used
very effec�vely.
Removal H13 S13 ver�cal exit
The housing containing the catalyst can be removed
from the stove. Take out the vermiculite baffle in
the top of the stove which will give you access to the
housing. Using a 4mm Allan key remove the 2
screws holding the housing to the support brackets
on either side.
It is also possible to remove the 2 bolts holding the
housing to the top of the stove and then withdrawing
the housing the stove. The catalyst may then be
removed for cleaning.
Removal H13 S13 horizontal exit
The catalyser box for rear exit of the stove is again
held in place by 2 bolts. Remove the vermiculite top
baffle and then the bolts. The box can then be
withdrawn from the stove.
Removal H23 S23 ver�cal exit
To remove the catalyser for cleaning in these models
you will need to have a 3mm Allan key for the
catalyser retaining screw and a 4mm Allan key for the
2 screws on the flue gas diverter flap.
4mm Allen key
3mm Allen key