User’s Manual
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5.3.2 Install Drivers Manually
You can also manually install each driver for
. Please refer to the following
information about installing drivers for different operating system.
Windows 7 32-bit
The recommended driver installation sequence is
1. Chipset driver (x:\Driver_Pool\Chipset_Vlv\Win7_8_ALL\SetupChipset.exe)
2. Graphics driver (x:\ Driver_Pool\Graphics_Vlv_EMGD\Win7_32\Setup.exe)
3. Audio driver (x:\Driver_Pool\Audio_ALC262\Win7_8_ALL\Setup.exe)
4. LAN driver
5. USB 3.0 driver (x:\USB3_Vlv\Win7_ALL\Setup.exe)
6. Embedded I/O
Windows 7 64-bit
The recommended driver installation sequence is
1. Chipset driver (x:\Driver_Pool\Chipset_Vlv\Win7_8_ALL\SetupChipset.exe)
2. Graphics driver (x:\Driver_Pool\Graphics_Vlv_EMGD\Win7_64\Setup.exe)
3. Audio driver (x:\Driver_Pool\Audio_ALC262\Win7_8_ALL\Setup.exe)
4. LAN driver
5. USB 3.0 driver (x:\Driver_Pool\USB3_Vlv\Win7_ALL\Setup.exe)
6. Embedded I/O
Windows 8/8.1 32-bit
The recommended driver installation sequence is
1. Chipset driver (x:\Driver_Pool\Chipset_Vlv\Win7_8_ALL\SetupChipset.exe)
2. Graphics driver (x:\Driver_Pool\Graphics_3rd_i7_Vlv\Win7_8_32\Setup.exe)
3. Audio driver (x:\Driver_Pool\Audio_ALC262\Win7_8_ALL\Setup.exe)
4. LAN driver
5. TXE driver (x:\Driver_Pool\TXE_Vlv\Win8_ALL\SetupTXE.exe)
6. Embedded IO (x:\Driver_Pool\IO_Vlv\Win8_32\Setup.exe)
Windows 8/8.1 64-bit
The recommended driver installation sequence is