0 0 0 _ *#
Selects between zone 2 strobe light, or fence on/off indication.
? = 0 (zone 2 strobe light) or 1 (fence on/off indication)
Factory default value is
(zone 2 strobe light only)
The Z2 strobe light relay can be assigned to be active when an alarm is triggered on zone
2 only (0), or to indicate when the fence is energized (1). Both zone 1 and zone 2 need to
be active for the relay to indicate the fence is energized.
0 0 3 _ * #
Selects between gate alarm, energizer on/off indication, or service alarm, when in ALARM
? = 0 (gate alarm) or 1 (energizer on/off indication), or 2 (service alarm)
Factory default value is
(gate alarm)
The siren relay can be assigned to be active when a gate alarm occurs (0), or to indicate
when the fence is energized (1), or to activate on service alarm (2). *Note that both zone
1 and zone 2 need to be active for the relay to indicate the fence is energized.
4 0 8 _ * #
Enable or disable the energizer alarm sensor mode.
When this mode is active, the display will indicate “AlmSensr”
? = 0 (conventional energizer mode) or 1 (alarm sensor mode)
Factory default value is
(conventional energizer mode)
When in alarm sensor mode, the strobe relays, regardless of STROBE LIGHT Z1/Z2 RELAY
FUNCTION settings, will function as follows;
The Zone 1 strobe relay is active only as long as zone 1 is in alarm condition.
The Zone 2 strobe relay is active only as long as zone 2 is in alarm condition.
The siren relay by factory default will be active only as long as the gate is in alarm condition. If
however the siren relay function has been altered using the SIREN RELAY FUNCTION, the siren
relay will be active as long as both fence zone 1 and zone 2 are energized.
Additional status information can be obtained, such as, zone active, zone low voltage mode, zone
check condition, mains fail, service and tamper conditions, by fitting an expansion card onto the
keypad bus.
This mode is typically used when the energizer is connected to an alarm system and no user
interaction with the energizer will take place. The energizer is thus treated as simply another alarm
detecting sensor for the alarm panel.
Programmable options