June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
80 - Chapter 6
Setting Up TeLANophy
Doc. No. 8
557 - Re
lease 1.1
June 2004
To test the TCP/IP setup on individual workstations, perform the following
To use the PING software
1 On the workstation, open an MS-DOS command prompt.
2 Type
ping <IP address of the voice messaging system>
and press ENTER.
3 If you see a PING software reply message containing bytes received,
the TCP/IP software is configured properly. If not, you will get a message
saying that the IP address could not be reached. Try one or more of the
following actions to correct the problem:
• The workstation may not be configured correctly. Repeat the appropriate
protocol setup procedure for the workstation’s operating system.
• The voice messaging system’s protocols may not be configured correctly.
Perform the procedure, “To set up the voice messaging system software” to
confirm or correct these settings.
• There may be a problem with the network. Contact the network administra-
• Network cables may not be attached correctly or securely. Check the LAN
connections for the voice messaging system and the workstation.
• You may not have restarted the workstation. Close all files, shut down all
applications, and restart.