1-2 Technical Information
The system board is equipped with a dual channel SCSI subsystem that includes an Adaptec
AIC-7895CP controller chip and a RAIDport connector. (See “SCSI Subsystem” later in
this section for a functional description of the Adaptec chip and RAIDport connector.)
The system board also features two USB ports, two serial ports, a MIDI game port, and a
parallel port. Depending on the system, Ultra DMA, remote wakeup (“Wake on LAN”),
and AGP or PCI 3D graphics are supported.
Build choices include an UW SCSI 4.55-GB or 9.1-GB hard disk drive or an UltraDMA/33
6.4-GB or 8.4-GB EIDE hard disk drive. System memory is provided in 32-MB (minimum)
and (as available) 64-MB and 128-MB DIMM sticks. Memory configurations range from
32 MB to 512 MB. Additional choices include PCI or ISA expansion boards for
fax/modem, video, and networking, as well as removable storage devices such as CD-ROM,
tape, Zip™, or Jaz drives.
System Features
Figure 1-1 identifies the components, lamps, and controls on the front of the system.
Figure 1-2 identifies the connectors on the back of the system.
Figure 1-1 PowerMate Professional 9000 Series Front View