Command Line Interface 45
Group information
Group 1:
Internal Ports: 1-16
External Ports: 20-24
Port VLAN ID: 1
Number of nondefault vlans in group: 0
VLANs: empty
Default Group Vlan: 1
Trunk group 13: Enabled
port state:
20: forwarding
21: forwarding
22: forwarding
23: forwarding
24: forwarding
LACP Enabled
IGMP Disabled
Failover Enabled
Failover Limit = 0
This displays the information of Port Group 1-5 and Spare Ports Group.
Information dump
Use the dump command to dump all switch information available from the Information Menu (10K or more,
depending on your configuration). This data is useful for tuning and debugging switch performance.
If you want to capture dump data to a file, set the communication software on your workstation to capture session
data prior to issuing the dump commands.