About This Guide
This guide contains supplemental instructions needed to install and configure
the Red Hat Linux® Network Operating System. This document is intended to
complement the more detailed procedural documents available from the vendor
of the network operating system. This document is not intended as the central
source of installation and configuration information for your system.
This guide also includes information on installing, configuring and using
ESMPRO Agent on Express5800/320La systems that include the Linux
Operating System.
For additional information, it is important to read the READ ME files and
related documentation provided by the vendor of your network operating
Document Conventions
This guide uses the following text conventions.
Notes have the following meaning:
Notes give important information about the
material being described.
The notational conventions listed below are used throughout this guide.
Used for user command input, file names and
Used for system prompts and command definitions.
How This Guide Is Organized
This guide contains the following information:
Chapter 1 Introduction
— This chapter contains general information
about this guide and related documents.
Chapter 2 Configuring Linux
— This chapter contains supplemental
information for configuring the Linux Operating System.
Chapter 3 ESMPRO Agent for Linux
— This chapter contains
information for installing, configuring and using ESMPRO Agent.
Chapter 4 Monitoring the ft Server
This chapter contains
information on using ESMPRO Manager and ESMPRO Agent to run the
ft Server Utility.