Built Like A Tank With Laser Precision
of 24
IV. Other Hook Ups - Heating Domestic Water, Pools and Spa’s
A. Layout of Water Lines for Sidearm
The hot line from boiler goes into the top of sidearm. This creates twice the domestic water flow
through the sidearm as opposed to coming in at the bottom. Hookups to the domestic side must be
connected to drain and pressure relief ports. Make sure to keep drain & pressure relief in service &
purge all air from piping and sidearm.
Use a mixing valve to control water temperature.
B. Warm Weather Operation, Timer Relay and Hot Water Bypass
Operation in warmer weather will result in larger amounts of creosote due to longer idle times and can
also be more difficult as too many coals may cause the water jacket to boil if not enough heat is being
used. Use smaller loads of wood if this happens. Adequate water circulation is critical for preventing water
from boiling (see page 11). Also make sure all gaskets and air intakes are properly sealed to prevent any
extra air from feeding the fire. See the maintenance section for how to adjust the main door seal.
If the fire is smoldering out or there is difficulty achieving gasification (typically this would only be in
warmer weather), plug in and adjust the overriding timer relay (TR1) as needed to run the boiler, overriding
the aquastat to keep the fire going and the firebrick hot enough for gasification. Recommended timing is 3
hours off, 5 minutes on. See timer relay manual for details on adjusting.
For heating of domestic hot water without heating your home, install a 3-valve bypass system shown in
the next figure. This permits you to use your boiler during the spring, summer and fall seasons to heat your
hot water when you may not need or want to heat your house. The bypass permits the water to run from
your boiler to the hot water heater and bypass the heat exchanger in the furnace plenum. Use of union
fittings between the isolation valves and heat exchanger for easy removal is recommended as the plenum
heat exchanger must be drained or removed so the water doesn’t freeze when running air conditioning.