Built Like A Tank With Laser Precision
of 24
Wiring the boiler
A qualified electrician must wire this boiler in accordance with the National Electrical Code.
A dedicated 20amp, 115vac circuit needs to be installed to power the lower outlet. Land power
& neutral wires to the back of the lower outlet and wire nut the ground wire to the green wire
that is fastened alongside the ground of the outlet. Keep all wires protected in conduit or the
control panel. See page 10 for an electrical diagram. The size and type of electric wire to be
installed depends on the distance from the boiler to the house. If the boiler is less then 100 feet
from the house, #12 AWG UF cable is the smallest wire that may be used. If the distance is
greater than 100 feet, #10 AWG UF cable must be used. A maximum of 5 amps is used by the
boiler if all standard equipment is running. The extra outlet will provide a total of 15amps for
convenience use.
E. Installation of Pex Pipe
Keep the pex pipe underground as it enters the house. Make sure to seal around the pipe to
prevent water from entering structure. This can be done with a can of expanding foam. If
conditions require the pipe to be above ground for entering the home, make sure to insulate
F. Filling Boiler with Water
Do not start circulation pump until it has been primed!
Loosen the top screw on the pump
until a steady stream of water flows and all air has been purged.
Being a wet-rotor unit, if the
pump runs dry at all, it will seize up as the bearings rely on lubrication from the water. Once all
piping connections are complete, pour the Nature’s Comfort boiler treatment in, fill the boiler
with a hose through the float stack or if you have installed a fill line, open the valve and allow it
to fill, stopping once the float starts to rise. Use water that is softened or has low iron content if
possible. During the first heating cycle the water might expand and overflow. This is normal
and will occur anytime too much water has been added. There will also be a large amount of
condensation in the firebox until the water comes up to temperature. After priming and starting
the circulation pump and bleeding the heat exchanger let your boiler heat up and run for 24
hours then top off the water again. The ideal water level is at the end of a heating cycle for the
level indicator to be at the top of the rubber cap. The water level will rise and fall during
operation as water expands and contracts with temperature changes. Be sure to keep your
boiler within 3” of being full at all times including through the summer as this will keep your
boiler free from corrosion and when in use, from overheating causing circulation pump failure.
G. Plumbing Parts Needed
1. A 1” pex crimp x 1” NPT is needed to install the outgoing pex line into the flange that is
supplied and already mounted to the lower end of the circulation pump. The flange is a female
1" NPT. The return line must be installed in the opposite lower corner for cross flow of the
water jacket so no hot spots are created on the firebox.