Electronic pellet burner controller – NPBC-V3C-K / NPBC-V4C-K / NPBC-V4E-K
depends on the system's inertia and the set temperature differences in the menu
Factory Settings →
Power Modulation
. The shortest switch time interval could be the cycle between two feedings,
which usually is 20-30 seconds. For such a short period of time, the temperature of the heating
installation can't change significantly and it's impossible for a human to sense the swings between
the power levels.
A correctly set Suspend power level can provide even larger range for modulation for the controller.
Make sure that the cycle between two feedings is just as long as the fuel portion needs to burn out,
but not long enough for the embers to cool down, so the next portion can easily ignite.
Interm Clean
– This menu sets the intermediate cleaning which is performed while the fire is
burning. The fans temporary increase their speed which results in higher temperature of the fire and
leads to better burning of all leftovers. Another option is to connect a mechanical actuator to the FC
output and to use it periodically to clean the ashes. Put a check sign on the line
to enable
these procedures, on the line
Change fans
to enable the usage of the fans during this procedure
and/or on the line
FC Output
to enable its usage.
User Manual / ver3.8
Page 3 of 33
If checked the intermediate
cleaning is enable
On every 10 min of the burner's
work, the intermediate cleaning
Will be executed for 30 sec
If checked, the fans' usage is
enable and their speed will
change as set on the following
two parametres
If checked FC output is enable