National Instruments Software
Appendix A
VXIpc-486 Model 500 Series
© National Instruments Corporation
LabVIEW and LabWindows
If you want to use LabVIEW with your VXIpc-486, you can order the LabVIEW for Windows
VXI Development System. If you want to use LabWindows with your VXIpc-486, you can
order either the LabWindows for DOS VXI Development System or the LabWindows/CVI for
Windows VXI Development System.
LabVIEW is a graphical programming system for data acquisition and instrument control. With
LabVIEW, you can create software modules called virtual instruments (VIs) instead of writing
programs. The LabVIEW VXI Development System for the VXIpc-486 features fully integrated
VXI capability and an extensive library of complete, high-level instrument drivers for popular
GPIB and VXI instruments. LabVIEW is available for Windows and Windows NT platforms for
the VXIpc-486.
LabWindows is a DOS-based integrated software system for rapid development, prototyping,
and operation of test and measurement applications. You can develop, debug, and execute your
application directly in the LabWindows environment, or you can use the extensive LabWindows
libraries and instrument drivers that are included with the package to build stand-alone
applications using Microsoft QuickBASIC or C, Borland C/C++, or Visual Basic for DOS.
LabWindows/CVI is a full-function, interactive C programming environment and compiler for
Windows. LabWindows/CVI combines the intuitive graphical user interfaces (GUIs) from the
Windows platform with the necessary tools for data acquisition and control, data analysis, and
data presentation to give you an integrated system for developing instrumentation software.